Magalia Community Park is maintained by an almost all-volunteer crew of loyal and dedicated community members. We also rely on the support of local organizations to keep the 40 acres weed-abated and safe for public use. South Pines Disc Golf and Magalia Community Center and all it’s programs have inspired hope in a community that continues to rebuild post-Camp Fire. However as a nonprofit, we rely on your donations to allow us to continue to provide these services to the Ridge. Help us make our dream of a permanent maintained recreational greenbelt and community center become reality.
In early 2019, a small group of Magalia residents came together with an idea to help jumpstart the recovery of the Upper Ridge by preserving the old Paradise Pines Golf Course as a permanent green space with passive recreation for the Community. Magalia Community Park is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that’s dedicated to preserving the golf course property, much of which was spared in the Camp Fire, as a site that can continue to be enjoyed by all of Magalia for a variety of recreational and healthful purposes.
Magalia Community Park operates Magalia Community Center from the former golf course clubhouse. The building is now home to a growing number of youth & adult programs including exercise classes, movie and craft projects for younger children, life skills workshops for teens, community forums and special events. A summer concert series is held on our lawn space (please contact us if you’re interested in being a band sponsor!). The building is also available for rent for birthday parties, baby showers, meetings and more. We have also served as a resiliency hub during times of local emergencies.
The adjacent 40 acres of green space is now home to South Pines Disc Golf, a new 18-hole disc golf course with over 70 basket positions, changing frequently. The course has brought thousands of players from throughout the state & across the country since opening in October 2020. The course includes a paved trail for walking & dog-walking, biking and scooters which runs approximately a 2 mile loop.